Thursday, July 13, 2006
so. here i am. at home. im watching this bollywood movie. i hate bollywood movies. it always make me cry. hahakz! its about this guy. married to this girl. pregnant . the girl got into an accident. die. the heart donated to a patient. patient fall in love with the dead girl hubby. and now they are singing and dancing. be it happy or sad or angry. bollywood.bollywood.aniwaes. you know. one of the securities at my house look so much like fidz. which is my ex. he also look like helmi's friend. faris. which look like fidz too. hoho! nab say all the guys that i have a crush on looks like fidz. really meh? aniwae. when i reached at the security house there. i did not saw him. dunoe.dun care. hoho! oh ya. one more thing. the guy at the new cafe. looks cute. he look ABIT like fidz. stop it seh ida. but. yep. hahakz!ok.take cares.cheers mate.
yours truly,