Wednesday, August 02, 2006
yesterday went town wit mark. i bought shoes! wo0o! got stripe stripe! then got ribbon. ahakz! 20 bux minus 10cent. ahakz! and there you have it. the price! ok. anihow. yesterday got DIEM meeting. got new peep. sherwin. rite? his cute. ahakz! diyanah's classmate.eurasian+chinese= eurachin! it sounds like the sea thing..sea urchin! ahakz! i think wat fad say is quite true. most DIEM guys are good-looking. mark thinks that sherwin is hot and cute. and HE wants HIS no.! ahahkz!! mark thinks that sherwin is attracted to him!ahahhahakz!! gay!!!!!! then after the meeting. we all went home together. fad,karl,mark,sherwin,me,and the chinese girls. i canot rmbr their name. i told my stoopid jokes! ahakz! hey! everyone laugh okay......!!!! its funny. its just you people who doesnt have any sense of humour.hahahkz!
and today. is maths. more than half of the peepz dint come. the other half who did come. left. and theres onie 11 of us. but today like slack giler. no need presentation. no 6P. everyones playing counter-strike. dibah and yanty went down to smoke. so slack! if maths everytime like this. shiok siak. but we left a few more weeks before we all change class. alahhhh...!!
i tell you people something ah. i like to view my own blog! ahahkz! i would even read it over and over again! ahakz! and my nails are like long. and i am literally poking the "keyboard"geddit? coz when i type it as usual. later the nails will press the other keys. like when i wana type "s" it will come out "sw"..... irritatiiiinnnn!!!
oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got thru JA!! jammerz arena. wo0o! so did karl. i went home and told my parents. my dad was like. "eleh!mcm betol je" translation: "air-leh! like real onie" ahahk!! and when i told him i sing nice. he laugh at me! busted......!!!!! ahahakz!! wadever man!! booo!!! ahakz!ok.take cares. cheers mate!
yours truly,