so yesterday my bitches made a surprise party for me!
totally unexpected!
coz my b'dae was like a few days ago..
so didnt expect anything..
no wonder zaini and ery and shaz was rather weird!
my dad too!
and i ended up scolding zaini the day before!
coz i was suppose to work on sun..
but my name wasn't in the roster..
but i still wanted to work uh..
at least got something to do right..and its not like i'm doing something so tiring..
i'm only doing the cashier/hostess!
then zaini die-die don't want me to work!
then i like irritated uh..PMS i think!
then yesterday,
after met up with ery outside my house..
i enter my room,
fiqah,fadz,shaz and joti was in my room!
fucking shocked lah!
ahakz! they were so sweet!
love you guys lah!!
now i have a floating balloon in my room!
which scares me everytime i wake up to go to the toilet!
ahahkz! coz i tot got ghost! ahakz!
last sat had WOC outing,
wanted to go steaming boat but couldn't find one!
in the end,
we ate at lau pa sat!
then walk aroung clarke quay and esplanade and taking pics!
then i went mini-shoppynk with zaini
then home sweet home!
me and ery got 2 orders for our cakes!!
are we good or what!
i'm like so damn happy lah!
i feel like jumping around with joy!
we finally gona get paid for baking!!!!
ahhh!!! i'm so excited!!!
can't wait to start!
ahahkz! and i can't stop smiling!
i wana go tell zaini!!!!

thank you!
happy birthday to me..!gosh, i'm 19!!
but i had the best birthday today!
thank you for the wishes and presents and surprises!
ash,asri,kathy,zeraynne and fad got me a mudpie!
which they planned to surprise me...
thank you guys!shaz,jason and nab got me a teddy
with the no. 23 at the back of the jersey!
so cute!
thank you bitches!yanti said she got me a gift
which i dunt know yet!
gonna get it tmr!
advanced thanks to her!and the watchout got me a b'dae cake and a trench coat!
i really appreaciate it!
thanks for coming guys!!and of course,
thank you for the wishes!esp. those who actually waited till its 12am to wish me!
so touching!
Labels: i'm 19
me:AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart, Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.
omg! mine is like so true! ahahkz! do i have a weird personality?! ahahkz!zaini: TAURUS - The Enduring One, Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.
awak, is yours also true? i find some of it quite true though!
yesterday work was damn tiring!
surrounded with 300+ people..
damn chaotic!
i spot ery's cousin!
and the kids from sports school was so noisy!
and they crowd at the bar..
we can't even leave to serve drinks to the VIPs..
you turn right, turn left..
the kids will ask for drinks!
and i pity qamarul!
ahahahkz! he waited for 3 pepsi to serve to the VIPs..
but when he got the pepsi, he walk only,
the kids took it away!
but the kids were friendly and nice!
and i still don't get the purpose of the event!
singapore is only the finalist what..
why so happy?
confirm moscow win!
but oh well,
we're the finalist for the youth olympic!
and and
zomg! ahahkz! wee!


yours truly,
skipped school today!
i woke up late.
then i wanted to cab to school
but so many ppl were waiting for cab..
when i went to a different location for a cab,
there were atleast 4 ppl waiting for the cab too!
then i wanted to shyte,
so i walk back home..
did whatever i wanted to do..
by then,
i'm too lazy to go school!
so now i'm home, blogging!
and last sat,
went to shaz sis hse..
to celebrate her niece b'dae!
me,helmi and zaini bought for her clothes!
very nice! lyk wat helmi's mum say.."mcm britney spears!"
and tiara was very cute!!
stayed till 9+ i guess,
then home sweet home!
oh! got my pay last sat too!
wo0! kaye skejap dok!
i wanted to treat my parents..
but in the end,
my dad paid for it!
then at 1am,
we went airport to sent my cousin off to paris!
and yesterday,
ery came my hse!
we bake cake for her dad!
we went shopping at ntuc..coz i got $100 ntuc vouchers!
bought all the stuff..then went back home and start baking!
we wanted to bake strawberry cake
like the one i made for WOC chalet,
but halfway thru,
we realize the whipping cream was spoilt!
damn it sia!
we gave up and watch 'saw 3'..
disgusting lyk shyte sia!
after watching halfway,
we went ntuc to buy instant choc frosting!
but couldnt find one,
so we bought sugar only..
and made our choc frosting..
and the end result is so satisfying!!
fucking nice ok! though its very sweet..
but too bad we cant eat the whole cake
coz it was for ery's dad!
should have bake another cake!
our own version of strawberry choc cake!
5 stars!
it will be our signature dish for our future cafe!
hahakz! ((:
i want to sleep!
got work later! -__-"

on mon,
for my event logistics module,
we had a chance to go out to a place
and plan an event!
we got to choose where we wana go.
and majority voted for sentosa!
so my team decided to plan an event at siloso beach!
definitely not tanjong beach..
shaz should know why!!
my team was the only full-of-energy team.
we were so enthusiatic!
and mostly because my team consist of the most-kecohrable people!
asri,ash,ron,zeraynne,melissa and me!
it was fun!
but fucking hot!
and the most frustrating thing is,
i was working on that day.
and we had to go back school for presentation!
dammit sia!
why can't they have the 3rd meeting at sentosa!!!
then i dunt have to waste my mrt fare
going to and fro!
and work have been erm..fun?
at times its damn boring
coz too slack!
and unfortunately,
my grades have been affected due to work..
coz i always have to rush to work straight after school
it means that i dint have time to do my rj..
by the time i got home from work,
its already 12midnight!
i better do something sia!
my grades are really really bad!
i think i'm gona fail a couple of modules!
aaaahhh!! i dunt wana repeat!!!
but anihoo,
i wunt be working during this weekends!!
so is zaini!
so we can go shopping!!
coz the GES money is in!
and then can celebrate my b'dae in advance with him!
and treat my cousin before he go back to paris!
till then,
yours truly,ida!
today was fun!
though the sandbox thing turn out to be damn boring!
which was seriously a waste of tyme.
when me and shaz got there,
it was fucking hot and there was no buffet!!!
and the toilet sux!
but beside that,
met up with my darling
and had dinner at ami's!
irritating lah the people there!
especially ery, shameer and qamarul!
when we sat only,
they come to our table!
went window shopping at vivo!
i hate it when i have the money,
nothing attracts me!
but when i'm freaking broke,
everywhere i turn, confirm got nice stuff to buy!
so after a walk at the skypark,
bought chocolates at candy empire,
we went back to tamp
and i got myself this look-like dress!
then home sweet home!
i love today!
coz i got to spent tyme with my darling!
its been awhile since we last went out,
only the 2 of us!
and i really miss him alot!
so yeah!
ilovemy zaini many many!(:

connection sucks!
i got update for the clan!
make yourself free on nxt sat!
which is on 19JAN07
we're steaming boating!
i'll sms you guys on the time and place, soon!
i book you guys already ah!!
and faisal,
bring your camera!!
and i'm still constructing the clan blog!
so be patience.
i got work today!
tiring seh~!

you never know when's your turn.
this afternoon went to pay a visit to
one of zaini's friend who died in an accident!
he's only 18 turning 19!
my age!! zomg!
its weird.
i've been having dreams about death
and this past few days i've been thinking alot about death.
don't ask me why.
to think that one day you can be the happiest person on earth,
and the next day you're gone!
you don't have the time to actually repent!
all the sins and stuff..
i'm definitely not ready to die now!
if only i know when's my time.
and how my death gona be.
to a certain extent,
i can't wait to die.
minus the punishment and all..
to go to a place where the grass is truly greener!
but for now,
enjoy your life cause life is short.
but not too much enjoyment!
enjoy enJOY ENJOY..
then gone the next day!
no time to repent!
get what i mean?
so people,
TAKE CARE!don't drink and drive!

start of school.
UT ends at 4.45pm.
work at 6pm.
and i'm like freakingly sleepy!!!
but on the bright side,
i get to meet my zaini! ((:
i passed my Professional Profiling!
left with my CE pts and FYP!
then dah boleh graduate!
sounds so easy..but its not~..
i hope i get to do cashier again
quite slack.
cause not many customer coming on a weekday!
shouldnt have work yesterday.
coz i only get ard 5hrs of sleep.
which! i dunt think i sleep.
though my eyes were close!
coz i was thinking alot last night..
so much so that i dint realise i was still awake
but my eyes are close!
get it?
i was thinking of the cashier stuff which i learnt yesterday..
and then singing to the song on the radio..
then i thought of how much i miss zaini...
then i was thinking of school...
by the time i realise i was still awake and try to really go to sleep,
it was already 6.30am!
have to go school oready!
shyte man.
but its ok.
just 4 more weeks of school!!
then its 9weeks of holiday!!
then it year 3 already!
gotta go meet shazrina!
work today was damn fun!
but still,
it was a d&d event.
and there were kids running around
and this particular kid was me and ery favourite!
he was so damn funny,
i laughed till my contact lens came off!
you should see the kid face!!!
damn drama-mama sia!
i tink he's ard 3yrs old..
what happened was,
the other kids accidentally pushed him..
and he fell so gracefully!
he sat at that position for quite awhile.
i guess he was still in shock!
so ery came to the rescue..
and that was when the funny part happened!
he looked up at ery slowly
like as though he was still in disbelief that he had just fell
he gave ery that
"don't touch me!" kinda look!
he got up and walked away!
funny like shyte sia!
maybe you won't get it ah..
but if you were there conferm you laugh like hell sia!
the kid face was damn drama lah!
then i discovered some secret from shameer!
not really from shameer!
but shameer's secret from zaini!
interesting yet shocking!shameer damn bad.
we had to sent him home
first!and he still have the cheek to complain to zaini!
saper lah kite....hahakz!
overall,it was fun lah!
and thanx darling!
for the nasi ayam goreng!
and not forgetting,
happy b'dae to your nenek!ahakz!
didnt have the time to update about my anniversary yesterday!
but yeah!
it was my 1st anniversary yesterdae!
time flies pretty fast.
i could still remember the day we celebrate our 6mths!
especially, the brocolli!!
i LOVE brocolli!
the green cauliflowers!
JANUARY!!*hint hint*
i know you know that i know you know!
i feel so old oready.
school starting soon!
this mon!!
excited? alittle.
but damn it,
have to start waking up early in morning!
working again today!
with ery and shameer!
and tmr with zaini and shameer!
iloveyou many many! (:

i wish everyone a
to shaz&jason,
hopefully, this year would be a better year for us!
forget the unhappiness & remember all the memories that will last forever!
oh and jason, thanks for the drinks! want me to pay you back not?! ahakz!
so i spent my countdown with
2 of my bitches, jason and the WOC!
so cool!
though ery had to accompany her mum at the KFC!
i hope she enjoy herself too!
me and WOC boys stayed till 3am..
met a whole lot of ppl!
we were dancing and all..
and it was so damn funny!!
and and,
i wun't be going werk alone
for wed,thurs,sat and sun!
i get to go werk wit the boyfriend!
so now we can't complain fer spending less time with each other!
coz we'll be seing each other most of time!