Tuesday, July 18, 2006
sat went to baybeat again.dis tyme. wit erzie.and malek and friends.fun.fun.i heart them so0 much.they made my day.here are some of the pix..
it was super fun. laughing and moshing. fun.fun. that day we are so crazy. malek and ab. they are gays. hahakz! fazrul is cute. ok shaz. i agree wit u now. he is cute. stopid shaz. dint go. hmph.saw jarell.again.saw faris.the guy which look alike fidz. saw lots of peeps i knew.hoho! it was one of the fun-nest nite ever. i love saturday.muacks. oh ya. though sat is my fav day. it wasnt my lucky day. i keep tripping over things. spilled food. ery was laughing at me. then she also become unlucky. she spilled her drink! half of it somemore. i had to donate mine. we swear we dont wana step into that KFC again. from now on. we stick to LJS.hahakz!it was funny. we also saw hairie and friends. ery was blushing. hoho.ok.cheers mate.
yours truly,