Suppose to go back wit shaz! But got DIEM meeting! It finished at 6+ lyk dat. Hurlemeks. DIEM was fun! Sort of. Karl and I was like ½ an hour late! Everyone was waiting fer us! Then we had to wait fer eddie. Got 6 new peeps. One of them is lyk so0 bitchy.after the whole meeting ended. And they all left. Sherwin start bitching bout the gerl! Ahahkz! And I..ofcoz…queen of gossip. Had to be der! We were all gathered at one corner. Bitching and stuff. Karl.sherwin, the other one I canot rmbr the name.we were all laughing. Fun uh. I tink we are the grp of peeps dat bonded real fast. Mark vanish to nower! Fad dint come. Haiya. Then walk to causeway. Jasmine left. I wanted to buy perfume. We went to metro. My nose is like stuff wif all kind of smells. I cudnt even decide between the MNG tattoo and the MNG jeans. You can ask karl and nab how indecisive I was. Keep smelling it. Till im satisfied!ahahkz!last2...i bought the MNG jeans!
yours truly,