yesterdae was the day hanis got married and oso the day my class had a picnic at ecp. You know. My sense of direction is quite good. Aahkz! I took 196...and yanti say had to stop at marine parade area. And I saw lyk.."okkkaay"..the moment I saw the beach! I dropped off the bus. Then I followed this 2 uncles. I ASSuMe...dey were heading to I tailed them. And I was rite! Ahhakz! But!! I dropped at the wrong place. I had to walk lyk 15-30min.luckily. I walk the correct direction! Ahakz! finally I reached! Then we all had sandwiches...snacks and stuff...camwhoring!! At ard 8+..shima went to buy liquor. So they drank. Dey got tipsy abit. Thu face was all red. Lynn, shima and “shake” lyk siao siao oready. we walk to parkway parade. Window shoppynk. Bought ice cream! Nice!! Then sean and yanti accompany me till bedok. reached home lyk 10+...was feeling drowsy. But im waiting fer hanis msg. which wud most probably b ard 2 or 3am! Wow! His married! Marriage siak! Wth! Talk to him the other dae till 12 lyk dat. Talk a lot of shyte lah. haiyo...!! Im "attached" to a married man! Oh ya! Im so called still together wit him. So called uh! Not dat together2..but together lah! ahakz! I dunoe lah! told ed about him. And he "lectured" me. Ahahkz! Nolah...he so called advice yeah. Dun worry. Im cool. and nab said the same thing as wat ed told me. irritatin lor u guys. i knoe lah...he is married...and he gona have kids sooner or later...leks all prepared. im strong! Hahakz! but thnx fer the concern! Ok datz all.take cares. Cheers mate!
the pics!
ed.ida.dibah and yanti!
no haran and sam


gossip gerls!but sam wasn't der!

me and yanti

ok.datz all. take cares.cheers mate!
yours truly,