Sean: great fren. A gud class leader. He is the one who made w25b wat they are today. United. A lame joker! Ahakz! But somehow. The lamenest always make the class laugh! He have done A
Yanti: the mamamat! Ahakz! Is dat how u spell it? Ahakz! But anyhow. Yea. The second fren I made wit on ferst dae of skool! I love her! She so cute! Ahakz! And cool! Her jokes and the sto0pid stuff she wud sometimes do always make me laugh hard. The gossip folks! Another great fren! I love you,bitch!
Dibah: small but loud! She is cute! The gossip folks! But. She abit scary. But. Bully-able! She is so funny. I can do sto0pid and crazy stuff wit her! Like climbing the lift! Skanking and breakdancing outside class! A lot more stuff we do. its so fun being wit her! Another great fren found! I love you, bitch!
Sammy: another of the gossip folks!! A very fun person! Crazy at tymes! And she have a great voice! And thnx to her I met new frens like karl, fadz and mark! Im gona miss this bitch! She always got the juicest gossip! And this woman is attached! Weewit! I hope you and him last forever! I love you, bitch!!
Edric: the dude who owe me a shirt! Ahakz! He is actually a nice and funny person! And sweet at tymes. He might appear like an ex-convict but he is a nice person. Dunt let all that tattoo scare you. Its kinda fun to go “shoppynk” wit him! And he always like to say im emo wen I wear skirt to school! Wat onie!! Ed is a very open guy! he ask the most weirdest question at tymes! Hahakz! A great fren found! I love you, dude!
Kam Hong: Ah beng! He and his red colour highlites! Dunt reallie talk to him a lot. But he very irritating and fun guy! ahakz! And he fighter u knoe! Ahahzk! Dun play play! Ahakz! Nice guy!January baby!!
Mark: the cool guy. the tall guy. sometimes im scared of him! Ahakz! he is a very smart guy. though he looks thin. But he eat a lot. I mean. He eat whatever he wants and he dunt give a shyte wat u tink. He is a nice guy. oh! he is a January baby! Same as me! Ahakz!
Arif: matrep! The quiet and intelligent one. Hardwerking. My rumoured boyfren! Ahakz! whatever! He is a very very very nice guy. too nice! He dunt reallie talk a lot. But he is a funny guy. and he is very smart. Always get the A’s! ahakz! oh! and he is a very very very damn gud artist. U shud have seen his drawing. WOW! Ahakz! a great fren found! Gona miss u dude!
Nad: the artist! Multi-talented! Play the guitar, great voice and a great artist! His drawing is so nice! He cool lah! I loike! Funny guy! the other dae we dress up gothic. He wore eyeliner! Ahakz like gerl! Kwang3! He is a very creative guy. January baby!! Lyk me! Hoho! Ok. Best wishes to you n
Thu: ferst fren I made on the ferst dae of skool! frm wat I knoe and see. She is most of the tyme quiet. But at tymes she can talk quite a lot. Hoho! I find her very complicating! Ahakz! dunt ask why. I just do. ahahkz! But she overall, nice!
Shima: the minah! Ahahkz! I find her very weird at tymes. And her laughter is worst than me! Ahakz! and she talk a lot too. I mean. There is always stuff to talk about wen u wit her. and she have a very tall boyfren. Shes different frm the other “minahs” I knoe. shes nicer lah. Overall, its nice knowing her! oh! and shes dibah’s ferst fren on the ferst dae of skool!
President: the weirdest guy I’ve ever met! He is so so weird that whatever he does always make me wana laugh! And some of the things he do is lyk so cute! Ahahkz! u shud see his face man! Ahahkz! Always crack me up! He and his “ I THINK!”. And he snacks a lot! But still so thin! Ahakz! funny guy! and he have a crush on one of the gerls in my class! Wonder hu is dat lucky gerl….hmmmz!! oh! pussy boy! Sumtymes bring M18/R21 vcd to skool. ahakz!
Shiqi: class tai long! Goes ard asking fer money! Ahahkz! Wen shes not in the mood. She can be very scary. But shes very nice gerl! Dunt reallie talk to her a lot. but have been in the same grp quite a few tymes. Like her!
Jody: the quietest gerl! But clever! Sumtin lyk arif. But the gerl version. Always being bullied by ed! Not dat close to her. but fer wat I see. Shes a very very nice gerl.
Wanrong: wanright twin sister! Ahakz! wenever its maths. She wud always go to her twin sister fer answers! At ferst she seem very quiet and timid. But as daes goes by. She starts to open up more. She can be sarcastic at tymes though. Hahakz! Nice gerl!
Ruth: shes very very nice. I cud still rmbr the ferst few daes of school. She wud sent shwit msges. A dancer! Ahakz! coz during presentation, she is always dancing. Ahahkz! And she always smile! Nice knowing her!
Rina: the small but loud one. Sumtin lyk dibah. She can threaten u. “I box u”. ahakz! and she is lyk a big fan of the people in mediacorp! I mean the celebrities! I see her blog lyk she have met all the Chinese celebrities of mediacorp. Cool! Gud luck fer
Yanle: quite a long tyme nvr see him. Coz he was hospitalized. Luckily he was back to skool b4 the school ends! He is one of the quiet guy in class. And he tends to say “ ermmz….” A lot during presentation! but he is very nice!
Qiong Zhi: the china gerl! Damn smart! At the beginning she is very quiet. Rarely talk. Due to the language barrier. But then towards the end. Wah! She very funny lah! she and her jokes! And there was one tyme. She shock the hell out of me,dibah,yanti,sam,ed and
Qin Qin: the most introvert guy in class! he is lyk in his own werld! Lek one corner kinda guy. but he can be funny at tymes. Smart guy too! Y do most china peeps are lyk so clever ah?! But he dunt always talk lah…datz the problem...haiyo! Talk more! Ahakz!
Alicia: I kinda miss this gerl! She is always absent. And now she not anymore skooling in rp. I tink. But she came to the class party! She looks prettier! My ferst impression of her was she was lyk kinda lyk a bitch coz she was overly dress on the ferst dae of skool. and she got that attitude kinda face. Hahhakz! I dunoe lah! datz MY ferst impression of her! But wen u get to know her, she is actually a very nice person. Shwit too!
And last but not least!
Faizal: the guy who is born on the same day, month,year and place as me! Yup! 23rd January 1989! I wonder if we are born at the same tyme?! Hmm…! The matrep Chinese version! Always wit his techno moves. And wen he start to open his mouth, he can go on and on and on! Though we are born on the same date! We are too different personality. Theres a huge different between us. He listens to techno. And I dunt. He talks a lot. and I dunt talk dat much as him. He is a guy. and I am a gerl! Ahahahkz! Duh~! In class. he is the extrovert and I am the introvert one. I mean lyk we are totally different! Ahakz! but. He ok lah. not that bad! nice knowing him though!
Ahakz! overall, everyone have been real nice! Great memories shared in w25b! I will nvr ferget those daes and the people of coz! I wish we cud have known each other longer! 4mths is lyk so fast! Bt we had a lot of fun together!! Rite?! Rite! Ahahkz! Thnx guys fer the memories! Muacckkkss!
Yours truly,