Oh well! The chalet was great! I had tons and tons and tons of fun and laughter! I think I have abs especially after all that laughing for 2nites! Thnx to those who accompanied me throughout the nites. Dibah, yanti, sean, nad and
On the ferst nite. We were all telling ghost stories. Till 5am. The next morning, nad and lynn told us that something happened while we were all asleep. It was freaky lah. You want to know what happened? You want? You want? Later2 I tell you! Ahahakz!
Well. Aniwaes. On the 2nd nite. Sean taught me ery and qai how to play taiti! Laugh a lot sia playing that game! It was fun! Then me ery and sean shared jelly cocktails. Sean and his sto0pid jokes! We we laughing so hard. Ery laughed till she cried. Ahahkz! Funny sia! Then. There were onie 3 of us who overniting on that dae. And we went fer walks aft sending ery off. Then we had this crazy idea! Sean wanted to know whether it is true if we fart and we put fire..will the fire become bigger? So. On our way to yanti's friend chalet. Everytime when sean wants to fart. He will be like "I wana fart! Quick!quick! Lighter!" ahahhakz!!! And that happened not once but lots of tyme! Ahahhakz! But it dint happened lor. Instead the fire bcome smaller! Ahahhakz! But that time. The sawetians did. It happen leh! Ahahkz! We were laughing so hard! Got abs oready sia! When we were back at the chalet. We talk from one subject to another! Till. We too tired to talk. And fall asleep! Heh! I had so much fun!
Wana know wat happened that nite? Well...it's a long story! So. Heres the summary of it! There were drips of blood trails from the balcony to the toilet.
Oh! on the dae I went to collect the keys. I got talk to hanis on the phone!! I miss him badly! And guez wat! He said he missed me! Hoho! But when he said that I was lyk "ookay"...coz I have mix feelings at that moment. Especially after hearing a lot of stuff about him. Then gossip wit him fer awhile on the phone! Ahakz! Told him some of the stuff I heard about him. Then he told me about this person! It shocked the hell out of me! And it made me laugh so hard, disgusted at the same tyme! OMG! Ahahkz! Then rite!!! Before we hang up. He said he missed me again. And i said I miss him too!! Well. The werds just came out. I dint want to say it. But it just happened! Haiyo!! Why must he get married now!!! Marriage siak!!! Wth!! Haish...! I miss him!!
Ok.datz all. Take cares. Cheers mate!